Remutaka Incline Trip Report – Sunday 23 July 2023
Participants: Margaret, Gail (& Boots the dog), Christine, Michelle & Nigel
There was some light rain on the drive to Featherston and then out to the Cross Creek end of the Incline walk. But once we started walking we only had a little light drizzle before it cleared. There was a bit of a cold wind, especially in the tunnels, but it was great to get out and get some exercise.
As we walked through the first bushy area an attempt was made to identify some of the plant species. Then after a brief stop at the old Cross Creek Station we headed on up to the Summit over the new Siberia swingbridge and through the three tunnels. There were quite a few cyclists out making the most of clearing weather, plus a few other walkers as well.
We marvelled at the work that went into the making of the Incline all those years ago and a lot of information was gained from the many signboards we stopped to read along the way.
The merits of various gloves and mittens were discussed as a number of the group were looking for something better than they currently have. After an early lunch and a hot drink at the summit it was time to turn around and head back to the cars.