Welcome to the Masterton Tramping Club website, we are a small, friendly and active club. We offer a wide variety of adventures throughout the year. These trips vary from easy, one day walks, to multi day camping trips in the south island.
Masterton Tramping Club
We meet on the first Wednesday of each month (except January) at the Masterton Community Centre, 41 Perry Street. Meetings start at 7.30pm, and at most meetings we have a guest speaker or some form of training. Visitors and prospective members are encouraged to come along to meetings and join a trip.
Some examples of past trips include:
- Family day trip to Kapiti Island
- Camping at top of Cone, Tararuas
- Easy overnighter to Tutuwai Hut
- Week long adventure past Dragon’s Teeth in Kahurangi National Park
- Off-track adventure, Kiriwhakapapa area, Tararuas
We organise a trip most weekends, either a local trip usually on a Sunday, or a longer overnight trip which may go beyond the immediate area of the Tararuas.
Trip categories are:
- Easy: 4-6 hours, possibly hills with plenty of rest stops. Suitable for beginners.
- Easy+: 4-6 hours, probably some short hills.
- Average: 5-8 hours, some hills, fewer rest stops. Suitable for people with reasonable fitness and some experience.
- Fit: 6+ hours per day, lots of hills, may go off-track, stops for lunch and ‘smoko’. Suitable for experienced trampers with good fitness.
We suggest the new members start with an Easy trip to assess their fitness.
The Club has some equipment available for members to borrow.Welcome
Upcoming Trips
f you're interested in joining us on any of our trips, please come along to our Club night and make contact with the trip leader.
We usually offer a trip each weekend, either a day trip on a Sunday, or an overnight tramp. Day trips are a great way to gain fitness without having to carry a heavy pack. Each trip has an indicated grading, and approximate transport cost. All potential members are urged to start with an easy trip so as to judge their fitness, confidence and ability. If in doubt check with the trip leader.
Trip Gradings
Easy - 3 - 6 hours, little climbing. Suitable for beginners
Easy + - 3 - 6 hours, probably some short hills
Average - 5 - 8 hours, some experience required almost certainly some hill work
Fit - 6+ hours, good fitness required, may go off track
Sunday 12 January -
18th January to 20 January - Anniversary Weekend
Sunday 26 January
Castlepoint scenic walkTake a wander around the Castlepoint beach area, follow the scenic trail to Castle Rock and a trip to the lighthouse. After -
cool off your feet in the sea!Grade: Easy
Car Pool Cost: $15
Leader: Nathan Ball 027 816 1785
Sunday 2 February
Snorkelling trip to Taputeranga Marine Reserve,Wellington (Combined MTC & SWTC)
Hire snorkelling equipment and explore the beginner
coastal trail. Lots of animal & plant life to see.Grade: Easy
Car Pool Cost: +$20
(+ Gear hire approx. $80)Leader: John Rhodes 06 3049 095
Wednesday 5 February
Club Night. News, trips done, trips coming upWhat did you do over summer?
Bring your tramping photos or email them to
mastertontc@gmail.com and tell us about your trip.
20 min talk - Stag Spooner- GailCommunity Centre, 41 Perry St, Masterton
Thursday 6 February - Sunday 9 February
Mt Ruapehu – WhakapapaAorangi Ski Lodge on the mountain, a 10min easy walk
from the top carpark. Travel up (about 4hr) on Thurs,
carpooling. Lots of walks in the area.
$30pp, per night. Small travel subsidy available to MTC
members. Confirm by 15 Jan.Grade: Easy + to Average
Car Pool Costs: TBALeader: Laura & Mike 021 060 5375
Sunday 16 February
Mangatoetoe HutStarting from Cape Palliser Road and heading up Mangatoetoe
Stream (expect to get your feet wet). Approx. 1 hr 30 min (4.5
km) each way with lunch at the hut.Grade: Easy
Car Pool Cost: TBA
Leader: Margaret McLauchlan 021 136 4323
Saturday 22 - Sunday 23 February
Tutuwai HutLeaving from Waiohine Gorge Rd end, tramp to the hut
via Mt Reeves, return next day via Cone Hut.Grade: Average
Car Pool Costs: $8
Leader: Tony Spittal 022 454 1107
Sunday 2 March
Holdsworth lookout to Gentle Annie saddle
Grade: Easy +
Car Pool Cost: $8
Leader: Nigel Bonniface 027 356 6322Wednesday 5 March 7.30pm
Club Night. News, trips done, trips coming up
Speaker/activity details to follow
Prospective members welcome
Community Centre,
41 Perry St,
MastertonSunday 9 March
To be advised Conrad McCaffrey027 338 5008
Sunday 16 March
Fensham Reserve, CartertonGrade: Easy
Car Pool Cost: $8
Leader: Denise Stagg 021 116 142422 Saturday - 23 Sunday March
1 night
Mangahao Flats Hut.
Drive to Shannon and head in on Mangahao Dam Rd.
Tramp to Hut (DOC time 5-6hrs).
Return same way Sunday.
Grade: Average
Car Pool Costs: $20
Leader: Gail Edwards 027 675 8257Trip Reports
Read about some of the trips we've been on recently
2024年12月29日Read more...The annual 'post-Christmas' trip to the Club hut Blue Range Hut. Hopefully the ' wet-n-forget' will work on the hut walls and the air flow is better around the hut with the trimmed vegetation. Thanks to the club members who carried loppers, secateurs, saws and of course the BLUE cheese ! Great...2024年12月8日Read more...Mountain House shelter, 8th December 2024. I was joined on this trip by some familiar faces, both David and Josh have been on several trips with me on the past and some new ones as well as Jo and her partner (who volunteered to handle photographs for the trip) were coming along after coming to...2024年11月24日Read more...Mount Reeves - Cone Bush Bash 24th November 2024 The weather forecast was just right for this trip...a cool misty start with the promise of sunshine. 8 trampers and 2 dogs set off from the Waiohine road end at 9am, we crossed the bridge and headed left, traversing along until we reached...More PostsClub History
The Club was formed in 1957 with the amalgamation of the YMCA Tramping Club and the Masterton Outdoor and Social Club.
At that time members were also participating in the construction of what was to be called Blue Range Hut, a joint exercise with the NZ Forest Service.
The Club also inherited a hut at Mitre Flats, the second hut at that location.
The Hut on the Atiwhakatu River was built during 1968.
Today the Club still maintains Blue Range Hut, it being a non core hut, for DoC and the community. The Tararua Aorangi Rimutaka Huts committee helps with funding for this work.
The third hut at Mitre Flats, and the second Atiwhakatu Hut are both core DoC Huts, although Club members still help with minor repairs and maintenance.Huts
Blue Range Hut
Grid Reference: E1812491, N5481135 (NZTM2000)
Bunks: 4 Single
Cost: 1 Standard Hut Ticket
The Hut was built during 1957 and 1958 by members of the newly formed Masterton Tramping Club, and staff from the NZ Forest Service. The Club organised a trip at fortnightly intervals for 18 months to carry the materials up, with regular races to see how many return trips could be made in one day, it is nearly a 700 metre climb.
The Hut was opened by Mr. D.Blythe (NZFS) and Ted Esler, an early member of the Club, on Sunday 9th November 1958.
More InfoAtiwhakatu Hut
Grid Reference: E1806817, N5472972 (NZTM2000)
Bunks: 26 bunks in three separate rooms
Cost: 1 Standard Hut Ticket
The first hut was built in 1968 as a joint venture between the Club and NZFS, and slept 8-10.
When the hut was opened it was a three hour walk along the Atiwhakatu track, which had many climbs and descents, no wonder that the river was a popular option.
Today, with the new(ish) track it is an easy 90 minute walk, and about 30 minutes for a fit mountain runner.
The new hut, built by DoC, was opened in June 2009. It is a much larger 12 bunker of the latest design.
Due to unprecedented demand DoC once again extended it, to its new 26 sleeping design in 2013. The club no longer maintains this hut.
More InfoMitre Flats 3
Grid Reference: E1808985, N5477084 (NZTM2000)
Bunks: Two platform Bunks, sleeps 14
Cost: 1 Serviced Hut Ticket
After many years of consultation and fund-raising Mitre Flats 3 was constructed in 1988 by the Department of Conservation at a total cost of $29,000. With $4,000 being donated by Masterton Tramping Club, (including $400 from Masterton Licensing Trust, $275 from South Wairarapa Tramping Club and $25 from Kaumatua Tramping Club).
The first hut was built in 1935 and the second hut was built in 1953
More InfoLibrary
Masterton Tramping Club has some books that we are happy to lend out. If interested please enquire by contacting us.
Books available to lend
Wairarapa. An Historical Excursion Bagnall, A.G. (1976)
North Island, Weekend Tramps Barnett, S (2002)
Plant Icons of New Zealand Church G. and Greenfield P. (2005)
New Zealand Endangered Species. Birds, Bats, Reptiles, Freshwater Fishes, Snails and Insects. Cusa, N.W., Lockley M. (1980)
Where to Find Birds of the Wairarapa Dennison T, Scadden, Watt B
Some Better Known NZ Wild Flowers and Birds Department of Tourism and Publicity
The Natural World of New Zealand. An Illustrated Encyclopaedia of NZ's Natural Heritage Hutching G (1998)
The Reed Handbook of Common New Zealand Birds Kinsky F.C., Robertson C.J.R. and Marshall J (1987)
New Zealand Islands McGeorge P and McGeorge R (2004)
New Zealand; Land of Birds Moon G. (2001)
Spot X, Tramping New Zealand. Over 400 Tracks Moore, C. (2007)
Wairarapa, A Place Apart. Nikolaison P. and Wall M. (2006)
Ruahine Forest Park. A guide to Family Walks, Tramping Tracks and Routes Ombler, K (1993)
202 Great Walks. The Best Day Walks in NZ Pickering M. (2003)
The Four Corners of New Zealand Reed A.H. (1954)
Wairarapa Walks Rhodes, J. and Cederman, A. (1989)
Tararua Footprints. A Tramper's Guide to the Tararua Ranges Rodgers, M (1996)
New Zealand Bird Portraits Soper M.F. (1963)
New Zealand, Portrait of a Nation Stewart, G. (1985)
From Mountains to Sea. The Story of Westland National Park Te Papa Atawhai, Department of Conservation (1990)
Get in contact
Use the form to enquire about going tramping, joining the club or just to seek general information about tramping in the local ranges.
Masterton Tramping Club © 2020